Tony T. Gaillard’s

Swiss FSP Psychotherapist, Author

“Over the years, I have learned the
symbolic language of unconscious
dynamics to help people to integrate
all kinds of difficulties.”

Psychotherapy – Integrative Transgenerational Analysis

Welcome on my website,

I am a Swiss accredited Psychologist-Psychotherapist FSP from Geneva, member of FSP and AGPSY. My activities are managed through my compagny, Conscious Developments Ltd, registered at the Geneva State Commercial Chamber, with a State authorization for psychotherapy practice and charging insurances (RCC: J876825).

With a passion for understanding human nature and its multiple resources, I have 24 years of experience in private and independent psychotherapy practice. My approach and its results are presented in a book accessible to the general public: Healing from Family Tree Heritages (Génésis Éditions).

My consultations are reimbursed by basic swiss health insurance (Lamal), by your private health insurance, or by your institutional (NGO) or other health insurance.

Book a first free short meeting on my Calendly: CALENDLY BOOKING.

Distant (zoom) and face to face consulting / 10h – 19h

Conscious Developments Sàrl
Château Banquet
rue de Lausanne 94,
1202 Genève, Suisse. (a)

Book a meeting with my Calendly: